Making Peace With Mastectomy Scars

personal young adult cancer stories

Personal young adult cancer stories are all over the internet these days.  Young people are coming forward, talking about what they’ve been through, and helping others who are facing the same things. Recently I stumbled across this first-hand account of young breast cancer and I immediately knew that I’d need to share it with you all.  This comes straight from Melanie over at The Underbelly.  She takes you through her entire diagnosis, treatment, reconstruction, and dealing with body image.  Maybe you had breast cancer and you see a lot of your own story in there, or maybe you had another type of cancer and can still relate to a lot of the hurt and challenges that she experienced.

That is what is so awesome about all of this young adult cancer story telling…we can learn from one another.  We can learn that we’re not alone, that we’ve been through something traumatic, but that there is rebirth out of the rubble.

“It has been the worst 5 years of my life, but I finally feel at home in my skin again. I feel sexy, confident, and proud of myself and my scars.”

Read the full article here.