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Death Over Dinner

planning end of life

How we want to die and what happens after we have, is one of the biggest conversations that we aren’t having.  Deciding end of life is a crucial part of our healthcare survivorship plans as well as our lives as human beings.  Whether you are close to the end of your life or not, leaving end of life decisions up until it is too late costs us control over an important time in our lives.

Where would you like to die?  Who do you want to write your obituary?  How do you want your family and friends to celebrate your life?  What would you like to happen to your body once you’ve died?  How would you like your belongings and wealth to be distributed?

Each of these decisions require love, attention, and care to sift through.  Each is a personal decision, better made by you than by any one else.  Starting these conversations can be difficult though, in a society that shies away from conversations about death and planning end of life.

Death Over Dinner helps to solve this problem.  An informative and interactive website, the interface takes you through the steps of planning a dinner party where you talk about end of life, death and dying.  The site allows you to consider who you invite, how you discuss the weighty topics at hand, and guides you towards resources to do just that.

“We have gathered dozens of medical and wellness leaders to cast an unflinching eye at end of life, and we have created an uplifting interactive adventure that transforms this seemingly difficult conversation into one of deep engagement, insight and empowerment. We invite you to gather friends and family and fill a table. “

Have you spent any time planning end of life?  Would Death Over Dinner help you initiate these crucial conversations?

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